Location Based navigation of the city

I was rambling on the google discussion list when I found this example of how integration of online resources on a map visualization can help to solve lots of simple little problems in our daily life.

I just had a similar experience.  I wanted to search for the store  Meijer on Google Maps, but could not recall the correct spelling.  I  ended up doing a regular Google search on the wrong spelling, and wound  up with a lot of pages about computer game designer Sid Meier.  Then I remembered Google Sets, and entered “Wal-Mart, Target, Sam’s ?Club” as a set.  It immediately brought me back a list of those and ?other major stores, including “Meijer” (correctly spelled), and, ?interestingly, both “JC Penny” and “JC Penney”.  A quick trip back to Google Maps, and I found the nearest Meijer store, ?3.9 miles away from my office.  Thanks, Google!  — One Happy Googler

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