Petri net: a graphical and mathematical modeling tool

A Petri net is a graphical and mathematical modeling tool. It consists of places, transitions, and arcs that connect them. Input arcs connect places with transitions, while output arcs start at a transition and end at a place. There are other types of arcs, e.g. inhibitor arcs. Places can contain tokens; the current state of the modeled system (the marking) is given by the number (and type if the tokens are distinguishable) of tokens in each place. Transitions are active components. They model activities which can occur (the transition fires), thus changing the state of the system (the marking of the Petri net). Transitions are only allowed to fire if they are enabled, which means that all the preconditions for the activity must be fulfilled (there are enough tokens available in the input places). When the transition fires, it removes tokens from its input places and adds some at all of its output places. The number of tokens removed / added depends on the cardinality of each arc. The interactive firing of transitions in subsequent markings is called token game


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