Title: Supporting collaborative problem solving of complex dynamic systems by coupling the relevance of the reasoning context to the learner’s interaction.
Summary: the aim of this paper is to show how a new approach of guiding system is possible for those tasks for which does not exist a clear resolution model. I advocate for a new approach called cognitive coupling, that, instead of suggesting clear solution strategy, has the only purpose of keeping the reasoning context structured, thus increasing the relevance of the learner interaction and their outcomes. This system should be embedded into an Agent, which aim is to detect the user’s actions in the system and visualising the co-referenced of these in regard to the user chosen solving strategy. This system will be tested in an simulation game, Monopoly like, where different users have to experience the Land price hedonic regression model. [make evident that is a position paper for discussing the idea setup]
-Complex dynamic systems and collaborative problem solving.
+Lack of co-referenced actions;
+Lack of procedural thinking;
-Current limitations of guiding systems and interactions regulations.
-cognitive coupling may be the third way.
+distributed cognition theory
-Pragmatic relevance and keeping the actions-strategy co-referenced.
-Examples of co-referenced action-strategy
+inferring from spatial context;
-A possible implementation
+Multi-Agent simulations
-Experimental Setup