Mathemagenic has a good review and summary of a bounch of papers presented during the AOIR conference that target learning and blogging.
My selection of the selection:
– Trena Paulus & Vanessa Dennen, Weblogs as spontaneous mentoring mechanism for academics – very good overview of “Profworld” academic blogging community (qualitative, with examples) and discussion on how mentoring takes place there (really hope that paper or slides will be online)
– Jang Hyun Kim, Blog as an oppositional medium?: A Semantic Network Analysis on the Iraq War Blogs
– Ericka Menchen Trevino, Blogger motivations: Power, pull, and positive feedback (full text is here) – a study on blogging motivations between college students. I was especially fascinated by the framing the results on negotiating anonymity and Ericka was very nice to blog it
– Trena Paulus, Vanessa Dennen, The next generation of research methods for online collaborative learning environments
Tags: learning technology, pedagogy, blogs