Learning Location with Cinematic Narratives

[Walker, 2004] Walker, K. (2004). Learning location with cinematics narratives. In ACM, editor, Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, New York, NY, USA. Available from: http://www.londonknowledgelab.ac.uk/people/kevin/s09-walker.pdf.

The paper describe the approach of using phisical walkthrough the city space to support learning. The author describe nicely how such approach support and is supported by different theories: co-constructivist approach, exploration and reflection, activity theory, trail theory, introduced by Peterson and Levene, for which an hypertext trail can explain how students follows a linear path through a knowledge ecology -whether a set of web pages, a physical space, or a narrative. A trail is composed of individual learning objects, self contained piece of knowledge.

The author links this to spatial learning for which learning and recal are seen as interwoven motor activities where spatial activities are powerfull in recall by association.

In this sense, a Location Based Service like Urban Tapestries, can be seen as a powerfull system for supporting this kind of narrative creation providing a shared and reflective travel notebook for the user (see Batonio et. al.). The author claim for a scriptability of the system that can make learning more evident/effective.

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