Meeting with Pierre
Of the 5 elements that Lynch describe in his book, Pierre believes that some of them are better represented into the 2dimensional map and some of them are more suitable for being understood on the ground.
MAP (2D) | FOOT ON (3D)
Paths X |
Limits | X
Nodes X |
Landmarks | X
Districts ?
Maybe we can find a way to move from the flat representation to the three dimensional world and vice versa. Using this system we can track down the most common paths of people and to appreciate the ‘height’, the ‘interest’ and the ‘slope’ of a place in the formation of the image of the city.
This is an unknown domain so we need to formulate very simple hypothesis.
-> understanding city/ reading the city
The goal of the project is not to build on the city but we need to focus on the first step: the ability of reading the city, to analyse the city and to make sense of the city. In doing so we want to use a very structural analysis with the elements proposed by lynch and with a very simple grammar which can be [drop] or [remove], … and a simple group of adjectives like [shape] or [colour].
Through the system the users can collaborate in defining paths and all the other elements and the way they constructed the relation of these elements. The goal will be to reach an emergent and shared meaning for the image of the city: its spaces, its features, its elements.