1- Current models of grounding do not distinguish between grounded materials and materials that is partially or falsely grounded. [illusion of shared understanding]
2- Current models of grounding are concentrated at the utterance level of analysis and therefore the distinction of 1 lose weight.
3- However, at knowledge level of analysis, we observe a nuanced view of the degree of ‘groundedness’. The distinction between grounded or ungrounded is an oversimplification.
4- When studying grounding at a level of collaborative working and learning, what is ‘necessary/sufficient to continue talking’ is often not sufficient for a succesfull collaboration.
5- It seems more reasonable to infer grounding from evidences of the grounding effects, like commitment in a dynamic interaction.
6- ‘Perspective taking’ or ‘Mutual modeling’ markers should be integrated in the grounding model as good grounding efforts which increase the probability of updating successfully common ground.