The initial idea

My idea is that of a learning system to explore the city using a mobile recording different parameters.
In my vision, the user can walk into the city with a group of friend. All of them have a mobile with special functions which allows them to track their position and defines landmarks that is reported in the virtual map of the city. In addition, they can define sections of the map just joining the landmarks of the map. I hope to stimulate, through this system, the comprehension of the city and the ability to “read” the map and build upon existing structures and sites.
For this reason I think that the advices of a professional urban planner can have a great value on the definition of the project. the following are some of the questions I need to answer in order to proceed into next step of development:
1. What are the parameters a urban planner have to consider while planning the city?
2. What kind of information you can gather while walking into the physical city you cannot get from the map (*important*)?
3. What are the key idea a urban planning student has to grasp in order to achieve the goal of the course?
4. What is the elaboration a urban planner does on the layout of the city in order to test hypothesis?
5. What is the common process for proposing a city expansion or redesign that a urban planner does to formulate hypothesis and to test them before formulating the final conclusions?

Kevin Lynch
L’image de la CitÈ

… il semble aujurd’hui improbable que le fait de truver son chemin soit du ‡ un quelconque “intinct” magique. Il s’agit plutot d’une utilisasion et d’une organisasion logique des indicasions sensorielles fournies par l’environment exteÈrieur. Cette organisasion est fondamentale pour l’efficacitÈ et la survivance meme de toute vie sans entraves.

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