After a brief period of gestation, the analysis of the TeamFrames questionnaire is drawing to an end. Among the many interesting insight we had looking at the results, there is the definition of three categories of respondent which we have called 1) the undecided; 2) the collaborators; 3) the cooperators. I will give later on a brief description for each category.
1) The undecided. People in this category mostly have no opinion on what kind of study style they prefer. They may like group work for preparing exams but not to address new problems. People belonging to this category have not clear in mind what kind of strategy they follow to study. When they find themselves in a group environment, they fear a lack of control over the situation and they tend to assume not a strong role in the group. In fact, they find rather difficult to start talking when they are in a group. People in this category, finally, are more group players, although they prefer splitting the job and working individually on his/her part.
2) The collaborators. People in this category are distinct group players, and particularly they prefer this environment because they can tackle new problems and deal with practical work. People in this category don’t have a particular study style because usually they prefer working in groups where they find themselves quite comfortable without facing any particular problem. They have a slightly more active role when the work in groups where they like to assign tasks to assure an equal participation. For them is usually easier to speak in public. Although we call them “collaborators”, they have still the tendency to work individually os divided parts of the work and re-assemble the results at the end.
3) The cooperators. People in this category privilege the division of tasks. They have a better defined individual study style and they expressed a preference to work individually. While inside a group the fear mostly organizational problems, and for this reason they usually tend to have a passive role in the group, invoking frequent debriefing sessions with their colleagues to ensure a constant commitment of their peers. For this reason, the ask often for a division of tasks so they can work individually on their own part.
Below is represented the division of the questionnaire respondent in the clusters/categories defined above.