After a meeting with my advisor, Pierre, I was re-thinking the idea of defining a strategy for grasping the co-referenced actions. These assume a very central role in our theory because we equate them with grounding at a knowledge level.
In his old work on the Bootnap project, Pierre, was more focusing at the utterance level of analysis and therefore he was not using the acknowledgment by action consistently to determine grounding at a more abstract level.
Consequently, the interesting edge of this research may be the definition of a methodology able to detect when a person has a shared understanding (abstract) at a certain moment in time. This methodology, or coding schema, should focus on observable elements of the interaction, actions, speech, writings, etc., and should put them into a framework for the detection of Mutual Modelling acts or Perspective-taking acts.
De distinction we tried to sketch with Pierre, was a bit simplistic: we discriminate the two concepts saying that Mutual Modelling is a kind of diagnosis the agent does of the undergoing communication, whereas the perspective taking is more the adoption of another agent’s point of view.
This coding schema, could, in turn, constitute the core of the computational algorithm used to automate the process of computationally sustain the conversation.