Clearboard: A seamless medium for shared drawing and conversation with eye contact

Hishi, H. and Kobayashi, M. (1992). Clearboard: A seamless medium for shared drawing and conversation with eye contact. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pages 525–532, Monterey, CA, USA. ACM Press. [pdf]


This paper present the design of ClearBoard, a system that allows users to collaboratively sketch on a shared display while maintaining eye-contact. The main point of the paper is that eye-contact is very important for interaction regulation: “eyes are as eloquent as the tongue”. Eye-contact allows the users to switch their focus smootly from one to the other according to the task content.

The transparent diplay allows the users drawing contemporarily and to indicate on points of the drawing (replicating features of face-to-face) interaction.

The paper also contains a nice task for collaborative work. It is called the “river crossing problem”.

Hishii Metaphors-Shared-Drawing

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