Semester projects

CRAFT Semester Projects

Center for Research and Support of Training and its Technologies (CRAFT)

Fall 2004

Projet A: Combined GPS-GSM Tracker

* Description:
We are looking for a Semester Project student to implement a navigation application for SmartPhones. This project involves programming a Java 2 Micro Edition application able to retrieve data from external Bluethooth GPS modules (see Analogously, the CellID, provided by the GSM network infostructure, should be retrieved by the application. Once logged, these data should be parsed and sent over the GPRS network to a test server. Depending on the time left, the student will be asked to combine the terrestrial location information with the information provided by the satellite maximising the precision and minimising the loss of positioning (e.g., switching to the CellID when indoor or while waiting the GPS startup time). The application code should be reasonably organised and well documented to be reused in other applications. The aim is to release the outcome in the form of an Open Source package with GPL license.

* Prerequisites:
– Programming skills in Java, and C++
– Experience in J2ME development is a “plus”.
– Not afraid to “googleing” around to find solutions 😉

* Keywords:
– Mobile application
– J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) / MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile)
– Bluetooth

* Responsible: Mauro Cherubini and Zeno Crivelli, CRAFT

* Contact:
Please email Mauro Cherubini ( to set up an interview.
Please include information on the courses you’ve taken and projects you’ve done in the past.

Projet B: J2ME porting of a Symbian application for mobile phones

* Description:
We are looking for a Semester Project student to port a Symbian application to a Java 2 Micro Edition implementation. The application, for “Spatialised Communication”, should enables the users to attach virtual notes to physical places. These information will be retrieved through an existing interface which runs on mobile phones (see The construction of “ad-hoc” solutions would be required give the current use of specific API developed for the Symbian OS. The application code should be reasonably organised and well documented.

* Prerequisites:
– Programming skills in Java, and C++
– Experience in J2ME and/or Symbian OS development is a “plus”.
– Not afraid to “googleing” around to find solutions 😉

* Keywords:
– Mobile application and LBS (Location Based Service)
– J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) / MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile)
– Symbian OS

* Responsible: Mauro Cherubini and Zeno Crivelli, CRAFT

* Contact:
Please email Mauro Cherubini ( to set up an interview.
Please include information on the courses you’ve taken and projects you’ve done in the past.

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